Wanna Look In My Fridge?

This was a rather busy week. Lots of writing and taking pictures in the pouring rain. Good thing we humans are waterproof!

My brain is kind of fried at the moment, so I needed to write a simple post. I just read this article called What's in your fridge? and decided to show you mine.

This isn't the first time that I've revealed the contents of my fridge. Take a look at the contents here too.

Anything surprising? Or as predicted? What's in your fridge? I showed you mine.

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Tracy said…
Looks like a good balance of healthy plus treats... just as I thought it might be, Anali! ;o) This was fun! Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Sharlene T. said…
Frankly, Missy, I don't even look in my fridge, just blindly reach where I remember having something edible!... 8-)
Chris said…
This is hysterical, especially the last line . . . "What's in your fridge? I showed you mine." I have a drawer freezer so all you'd see would be the top. I'm afraid it's not as organized as yours.
Lisa Johnson said…
tracy - Glad you liked it!

sharlene - LOL! ; )

chris - My Virgo traits are showing!

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