Knit For Victory: Warm Wools For The Long Watch

When I was at the Massachusetts Conference For Women a few months ago, I noticed that the Schlesinger Library had a table. Since I visited and learned about the library in August, I stopped to take a look.

Among other things, they had several different postcards with pictures from their collections. Including the one here to the right. During World Wars I and II, Americans were encouraged to knit for the troops and help do their part for the war effort.

The American Red Cross Museum website has several wartime patterns that you can download for free. There are patterns for sweaters, socks, gloves, children's items, and more. It's a great resource and piece of history. I imagine that if you're really comfortable knitting, you could adapt these patterns to your own style as well. Let me know if any of you try!

I've tried to knit before, but I've never used a pattern or made anything for real. This scarf doesn't count as real. It was a start.

I really do want to knit a sweater. See Life List #17 and #96. I need some hands-on guidance and some nice yarn. All in due time.

Do any of you have stories about knitting for the troops?

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SharleneT said…
I was but a twinkle in my daddy's eye during WWII, but I did learn to knit by knitting bandages for the lepers! Yup. That's how it started and the bandages are still being done, today! Here's the info for anyone that wants to help. It's a great way to learn a craft and by the time you've made a few rolls, you're very comfortable knitting and ready to take on some more personal items. Good luck! Come visit when you can...
Lisa Johnson said…
sharlene - That is a very worthy organization. Wow. You don't think of people having leprosy anymore. One more reason to feel grateful for all that I have and do NOT have.
Tera said…
Oh wow, it's been YEARS since I knitted!
Lisa Johnson said…
tera - This cold snowy winter should be a great inspiration to you! : )
loved the tumblr blog--such happy photos.
Tracy said…
As a knitter of many years, and enjoying reading of fiber and its place in history, this post was especially great reading and link-hopping... thanks, Lisa! :o) Happy weekend ((HUGS))
Lisa Johnson said…
the sleepy time gal - Welcome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my tumblr blog. I have a lot of fun with it and wondered if anyone else did!

tracy - So glad that you liked it! I love it when the links are appreciated. Happy weekend to you too! ; )

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