10/10/10 - A Slice of Life

That bowl of oatmeal was good! I'm sipping some coffee now and realized that I haven't posted for several days. But today is October 10, 2010 or 10/10/10! And I wanted to mention the day.

I've written before about how numbers fascinate me even though I've never been a fan of math. I Googled "10 10 10" and found a cool website welcoming me to Day 10/10/10.

It's really interesting seeing what today's date means to people by reading the comments. A day that is meaningless to one person is another's anniversary or birthday. Here are a few below with some edits for grammar.

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"On 10th of the 10th 2010 - it will be 10 years since I became single again." ~ Ali

"On 10.10.10 my husband and I will have been married for 10 years." ~ Shell

"My husband's 62nd birthday is 101010. He has an incurable illness. We are requesting prayer and fasting for his healing on that day." ~ Carolynn

"I will be 33 on 101010. I am planning a trip to the coordinates 101010 on the globe just to make it an interesting birthday. Africa, here I come." ~ Ben

"The Beall Center for Art + Technology at UC Irvine will celebrate their 10 year anniversary on 10.10.10 with an experimental media art festival, and it's free!!" ~ Beall Center for Art + Technology

"10/10/10 is my 46th birthday (4 plus 6 is 10) I was born in '64 (6 plus 4 is 10) I was born at 10:10PM, and my twin sister was born at 10PM!" ~ Dan

"I will turn 50 yrs old. Half of my life will be behind me. The next 50 will be awesome!" ~ Dave

"October 10th 2010 at 10:10AM I will be marring the man of my dreams. Seems pretty lucky to me." ~ Terri

"I will be 47 on 10.10.10, and am having a mimosa brunch at 10:10 am on the beach." ~ Denise

"The members of 350.org are planning global demonstrations and work parties hoping to persuade our elected representatives to get serious about global warming." ~ Ellie

"I had a colapsed lung on 10/10/09 and it killed me. Tension pneumothorax they call it. So The doctors had to do a Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) pleurodesis for pneumothorax to fix the holes in the top of my left lung. So 10/10/10 will be the date of my resurrection (second chance) and the day I stoped smoking for ever so its all good for me." ~ Rmiller

"My b'day too and I'm throwing a BIG party on 10/10/10 @10:10:10 PM... in Curitiba, Brazil." ~ Julio

"On 10/10/10 I will be officially starting my new job. Yay! So I think it's an auspiciously good day." ~ Marialee

"I think it will be a fantastic day. I'm going to ask my girlfriend to marry me." ~ Bologna

"We will have our first Bon Odori in my city, Cordoba, Argentina!!! That'll be lucky :-) Good food, fun and friends." ~ Ana

"My son will be "10" on Oct.10, 2010! He was born emergency c-section on October 10, 2000 weighing in at 10lbs in operating room:10 (daddy got a picture of the operating room door before he headed in...) Our house address is also "10" Our special child who was born on 10/10/2000 was diagnosed at 2yrs with autism. He is such a happy, beautiful boy and we feel very special to be his parents." ~ Kerry

"I'm a flight attendant. It doesn't feel like a god day to me. 10-10-10 at 1010am will be a scary time for me. But at 10-10-10 10:11am will be fine." ~ Travel Goddess

"It would have been my Dad's birthday 10:10:10. I miss him." ~ Beaky

"I am having a baby on 10-10-10 (c-section) at 11am (almost got 10am ah..well..) It will definitely be a good day for us since it will be the first boy born into the family in 34 years!!!" ~ Angiepie

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Today I'm working on some assignments with very tight deadlines. This week is looking very busy! What are you doing today?

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Anonymous said…
My sister turns 50 today. I'm sending her 50 text messages and giving her $50.
Sharlene T. said…
Just trying to catch up with posting, questions, and rehearsing... I thought I was retired... lol
Tracy said…
I'm intrigued with such dates where there is such significance. 10-10-10 wasn't a big one for me in any way though... LOL! Happy Week, Anali :o) ((HUGS))
Operaton You said…
Now that was fascinating! I read them all and was thinking what did I do on this day? Absolutely nothing...LOL!

Great post!
Lisa Johnson said…
campbele - What a great idea! Belated happy birthday to her!

sharlene - You're probably having way more fun doing this than if you were fully retired!

tracy - Have a great week! I have to catch up with you on your blog. I'm so behind.

vickie - LOL! Sometimes doing nothing is just right. Glad you liked the post.

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