The Scone Recipe

When I wrote up this post, I was kind of tired and feeling a bit down. I wrote it mostly to just amuse myself. My comments seem to be dwindling and I wasn't sure that anyone would really miss it if I didn't post a recipe.

I have been doing a lot of scone recipes lately. Maybe I've been boring people into not commenting? I figured the pictures might be enough and people would let me know if they wanted the recipe. Well, it seems that at least a couple of people expected the recipe, so here it is. And a special thanks to those of you who comment!

Glazed Chocolate + White Chocolate Chip Scones

1/3 cup Earth Balance
1/2 cup vanilla rice milk
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp. baking powder
2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
dash of salt
1/2 cup white chocolate chips

1 tsp. Earth Balance
3 T powdered sugar
1 T vanilla rice milk
dash salt

In a medium bowl, combine ingredients for scone. Check out these scone recipes for more precise directions. Bake at 425 degrees for 25 minutes.

In a small bowl, combine ingredients for glaze. Stir well. Drizzle over freshly baked scones. Enjoy!

Anali's First Amendment Ā© 2006-2008. All rights reserved.

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Cynthia saidā€¦
Sorry I haven't been around much. Just tired.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
cynthia - Thanks for stopping by! : )
So So Simple saidā€¦
hi Thanks for the recipe I think I will make them for staff lunch on Wednesday
Quick question what is Earth Balance?
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
so simple - You're welcome! Earth Balance is a vegan butter substitute, so you could just use butter or margarine instead. I've been trying to eliminate as much dairy from my baking as possible. I hope everyone likes them!
So So Simple saidā€¦
Hi Anali I made them My Son and his band are recording an album and they wanted some food to feed their bellies and their souls, so I made them your chocolate scones. I used butter and milk. and I replaced the choc chips with raisins, more appropriate for young men I thought (I didn't have any in the pantry anyhow.)
Funny though of course scones in British Commonwealth countries are really what you guys call biscuits. They looked delicious I only had a crumb or two to taste... will get verdict from the musicians tomorrow and let you know. I will post a blog in a couple of days.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
so simple - So exciting! I hope my scones inspired them! ; )

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