Happy Earth Day!

I couldn't let Earth Day pass without saying something about the day. Our planet certainly is in peril, so I'm sure that most of us are trying to make changes, no matter how small, whenever we can.

I stopped buying bottled water and bought a reusable plastic bottle. Although now with the current discussion about the dangers of plastic bottles containing BPA, I may have to replace this bottle with a safer one. I've only recently become aware of these dangers even though articles like this one were discussing it back in 2003. I'll have to do some searching for a safe reusable plastic bottle.

In this post from last year, I mentioned that I bought some bamboo sheets, which are supposed to be environmentally friendly. Although, this article adds some doubt to all the green claims. Anyway, I really like these sheets. They are very soft, cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.

In the end, I don't know how much my green efforts help the earth. It seems that for every good that I intend, there is often a downside too. All I can do is keep trying. Kermit knew what he was talking about when he said that it wasn't easy being green.

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Nance saidā€¦
I'm worried that with all the negative publicity lately about going green, people will just give up even trying. I think that's even worse. Certainly every effort is worthy. We all need to try and do our part. I decided that I'd be more conscious about all my purchases. When I bought a new car, I bought a hybrid. I want to be part of the solution whenever I can.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I know it's not always easy being green but we have to keep trying. Mentality are changing slowly but surely. Look, i already plan to buy an hybrid when it's time to change my car. I wouldn't have said that just a year ago.
Liz Dwyer saidā€¦
I think you can get BPA free bottles if you go to a camping store. What kills me is that now there will definitely be folks who won't stop using single serving plastic bottles and they'll say they can't switch because of BPA -- but then they'll go cook dinner on a non-stick coated pan.
Mizrepresent saidā€¦
I have to say, the biggest thing i've done (thanks to my daughter) is to recycle...now i am the recycling Queen. Thank you babygirl for showing me the way...now i'm buying the GREEN stuff too! lol!
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
nance - Some people may give up. But I guess if we really think about it, we kind of have no choice. I mean if we give up on protecting the planet then we're all in a bit of trouble.

zen chef - Good for you on planning to get a hybrid! When I get my next car, which will hopefully not be for many years, I'll be thinking about getting one too. Hopefully there will be many more choices by then.

los angelista - I recycled my old bottle and bought a plastic bottle that I think is BPA free. It has a number 5 on it instead of 7 like the last bottle. Although we may find out in a few months that 5 is dangerous too. I'll keep trying...

mizrepresent - I love to recycle too! I really feel like I'm doing something good. Plus I feel like quilting with used material is kind of recycling too. I guess we have to think about "recycling" in lots of new ways.
Tera saidā€¦
They even have these cute little "Going Green" shirts in the Juniors Dept. at JC Penney!

I also notice people reusing their shopping bags, or not using them at all...every little bit helps.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
tera - I agree every little bit helps. And I find myself trying to do more with the more feedback I get from people. Like you! I may try and bring some bags back to reuse at the store before I use them for trash bags. Thanks for the idea! : )
vasilisa saidā€¦
Hi Anali,

It's so great to see people starting to take our planet more seriously. We've been making a lot of changes too. I mostly buy organic now -- food, makeup, shampoos. And I'm slowly "greenifying" my cleaning tools. Feels good doing something that feels right.

PS: I've posted "the big reveal" to my "secret project" on my blog. I haven't actually blogged for a while, but I felt I should let the people who supported me while I was at it know what I've been up to. Check it out. Hope you like it :-)
BipolarLawyerCook saidā€¦
It is hard. Especially when you're trying to balance global poverty relief efforts with carbon miles. A helping hand one place, a slippery slope in another.

I am replacing my nalgenes with an aluminum or stainless steel bottle-- I will let you know how it works out.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
vasilisa - Loved your song and video! What a wonderful voice you have. Have you checked out Aviana's blog? She's a singer/songwriter too who's getting her start.

bipolarlawyercook - I guess all we can do is try. I'll be looking forward to hearing how your new bottles work out. I have the feeling that my new plastic may end up needing to be replaced soon...

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