Summer - Finally

I woke up this morning to blazing sun, a new warmth in the air, and the distinct smell of summer. Today it's going to be in the 90's and we may break a record. I did some baking this morning before it got too hot. It will be part an upcoming post and is related to the "Sneak Peek" photo. I just put my air conditioner on for the first time this season and it's nice and cool in here now.
I'm amazed that these flowers from last week are still going strong! I'm also fascinated by how the same things can look at different times, so I thought I'd take another picture. Also, I bought new sky blue bamboo sheets, which I think are so pretty.
I read about bamboo sheets about a year ago and they're supposed to be good for the environment and very comfortable. My flannel sheets and wool blankets are now packed away and recently I'd been noticing more advertisements for bamboo sheets. The ones online were really expensive and 100% bamboo. I bought mine at Target for much less, but they are 60% cotton and 40% bamboo. They're really soft and cool. What a nice summer treat! Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!
This news just in! I mentioned in my old post here, that BoomerGirl was nominated for an EPpy award. We won yesterday! Read more about it here.
Best Newspaper-Affiliated Web Site (fewer than one million unique visitors per month)
WINNER: (The World Co.) and
Anali's First Amendment © 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
Should I just cut and make it a sheet ?
I once bought someone a plastic rose (not Maggie this time).
Can you guess where they are now?
I totally agree with you about the same things looking different sometimes. I find it especially true with art. I commisioned my neighbor to do a painting for my house. Whenever I sit back to admire it, I notice something new and different. It truly is amazing.
Bamboo sheets...I haven't heard about these. I'm going to check that out!
It's so hot here,we are expecting a drought if it goes on like for one more week already.
Never heard of Bamboo sheets!!Will check it out.Interesting.Have a great long weekend Anali.
Congrats on Boomergirl and have a nice weekend!
something from me - LOL! I don't think I'd be surprised they were still alive if they were plastic! Only fresh flowers in my house! Oh, I do have some dried flowers too.
suldog - Thank you!
tera - It's such a relief to not have to wear tons of clothing.
nina - Thank you! That's pretty cool that you commissioned a picture! That sounds like an interesting blog post on how that came about.
asha - That's the thing about the heat and no rain - drought and wildfires. We actually had some fires here a little while ago. But right now it's perfect! Enjoy your weekend too! ; )
lisa francisco aka aviana - Hey girl! Thank you and you too!
kaylee - Thank you! I could not deal with 110 everyday. Even though it's dry. I realized how bad dry heat can be when I was in Las Vegas in the summer. Wow, that was bad!
david sullivan - LOL! Oh I'm sure someone will do it! Natural fibers - heck ya! People would probably spend $30 for them and you KNOW it's true! I bet someone is alread doing it!
tsiporah - Bamboo is the new cool thing in bed linens! And thanks!
capcity - I guess bamboo is the new black! ; ) You're welcome! Let me know what you think of them.
And if anyone is wondering, no unfortunately I'm not being paid for my discussion of bamboo sheets! I'm curious to know how people like them though.
lotus reads - Thanks! I went to a nice barbecue earlier. The weather cooled down a bit, but overall the weather has been perfect here this weekend.
kaylee - You're welcome!
lisa francisco aka aviana - You too!
I've never heard of bamboo sheets, but they sound interesting.