Love 'Em Or Leave 'Em?

You make the call! Tell me how you feel about Brussel sprouts.
But first check out my list of The Top 10 Things That A Brussel Sprout Never Did to You and a new recipe here on my food blog And Razzleberry Dressing on BoomerGirl.
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But i do think they are beautiful looking veggie. Especially when they are in the fields.
Today i went to a place in Belgium and while driving through a village i saw this huge brussels sprouts field and it was beautiful to see. I was saying to my hubyy pity i didin't have the camera to take a pic
big boys oven - I did check out your menu. What an amazing display!! You must do a booming business! Your work is stunning!
starry nights - Well, you side with most of the population! ; )
happy cook - Welcome! Wow! A whole field of them! That must have been an amazing sight. And so funny that you saw the field, then happened upon my post! ; ) I wish you could have taken a picture. Maybe next time!
nance - I don't mind if they are a little mushy, but they can start to go horribly wrong pretty fast.
susan - Yum!
bipolarlawyercook - Those recipes sound delicious and the way you described them, it was like a poem. Very melodic.
mizrepresent - Yeah, I can see where that could be an issue.
suldog - I was talking to my mom and she loves them, but my father is not a big fan, so she tends not to make them too much.
tera - You have to try them!
david sullivan - LOL! : )
aviana - Interesting. I don't think I've never had them with cheese.
lotus reads - You have to try them! ; )
I was very excited that you used my Brussel Sprout Soup Thank you. I have another idea I saw on TV the other day.
Just de-leaf the sprouts, then into a pan with a little olive oil, garlic, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Little water & cover and steam about 5 minutes.
Shot of vinegar and drizzle with olive oil to serve.