Taking Another Look: Mario Vargas Llosa

I just saw that Mario Vargas Llosa won the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature.

The name sounded familiar, so I looked in my small library for the book that I though I had read by him. I found it!

A few years ago, I bought the book Letters To A Young Novelist. It's very short and contains Llosa's tips and teachings for aspiring fiction writers.

I've been writing and submitting work behind the scenes. If I'm published, you'll hear about! Otherwise, this is it. : )

I remember reading this book and enjoying it, which is why I still have it. If I don't think that I'll refer to a book again, then I give it away. Needless to say, I think it's time to take another look and see what I can learn this time around.

Have any of you read any of Llosa's other writings? The Feast of the Goat is supposed to be an incredible work.

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