When Life Kicks You

Life kicked me in the nose yesterday. The butt too.
Before I get into what will be a long and winding post, let me tell you about this picture. After I told G the news, and we were getting ready to watch President Obama speak, we decided that cocktails were in order. I had some lemons and limes at home. Ah, the symbolism!
I squeezed the juice from 3 lemons and 2 limes into a pitcher. Cut up one of the lemons and limes into wedges and tossed them in. I added about 4 cups of water, and stirred in about 1 1/4 cups of sugar. Then I grabbed some glasses, added about 1/4 cup of Southern Comfort to each and filled with the lemon/limeade. Spectacular!
So how did life kick me around yesterday? Well, I won't go into specifics, but I think life just taught me a huge lesson. You can't pursue your dream half-heartedly. You have to make the full leap. No matter how scary. Otherwise things blow up in your face.
I made a choice to do something that was safe, even though it wasn't really what I wanted. And it actually took away from what I wanted. Because of this first choice that wasn't right, when another opportunity to do something that I wanted came along, I had to turn it down. Holding on to a security blanket for too long held me back.
Then yesterday, the security blanket completely fell apart. I should have never chosen it in the first place. It wasn't right for me. Looking back, I don't know why I didn't see it before.
But after reading this blog post and really thinking, it made me make a decision not to choose it again. I've learned my lesson. I'm going to focus on the positve and move forward. Lemons to lemonade! Once you make a decision like that, there's no turning back.
Today I was looking at an astrological forecast for my birthday. Here's an excerpt.
"...beginning September 11th through the 16th, Venus touches upon our relationships and material worth. What are our aspirations (Jupiter)? What is at the root of what keeps us from achieving them (Chiron)? Let's become attune and figure it out (Neptune). Then let's bravely take the self out of its comfort zone and make the difficult but necessary changes to move forward (Uranus)."
It really makes sense to me with what is going on right now. So while I pick myself up and dust myself off, I'm playing my theme song by Jem for inspiration, and holding on to the support of family and friends, both on and offline.
You bloggers out there. Do you know how much one post that shows kindness can do for someone? When I came home yesterday and was trying not to cry, I read this post by Tracy and it really made my day. Thank you for the post Tracy. And thank you Se'Lah for the Gift of Jewels Project.

And Esme! Where to begin with you? HUGE thank you to you! She wished me happy birthday on her blog.

She awarded me the Lemonade Stand Award and the Friendship Award.
I'm overwhelmed and grateful. Again, I'm going to stray from the rules with these awards. Many bloggers are deserving of them and have been so good to me. So for those of you who would like these awards, please consider yourself awarded! Enjoy!
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I hopped over to Tracy's blog, and that is a beautiful card for the Gift of Jewels... not that I'm surprised your card would be spot on, after all three lovelies are about to be similarly spoiled when they receive your postcards!
Have Champagne and just enjoy.
Happy Birthday.
I hope today was better than yesterday.
So glad that the postcard you received as a part of the "Gift of Jewels" project brightened your day.
Many hugs, dear!
Where would we be without the occasional knock to bring us to our senses. I just had one too and I'm glad of it. As long as it doesn't knock you out of course.
It's hard to learn when you're feeling secure and complacent (I'm talking about me here..)
C'est la vie
Bon Chance!
so simple - Thank you so much! I loved the card and had a really nice birthday.
t- Thank you! I'm hoping that it was all for the best. And I appreciate your concerned email. :)
tracy - All the birthday festivities were wonderful! One was postponed though and hopefully can be rescheduled.
josephine - Thank you for the kind words. I think I "got" my wake-up call and don't need another! ; )
josephine -
michelle - That makes me feel much better. That there's something even better just for me! I'm looking forward to it!
nance - I appreciate the comment. Sorry to be so cryptic!
shirley - I'm glad that this post helped! Good luck with your new venture!
carol - Yes, that's the theme! So glad that it inspires you too. And "c'est la vie" sums it up quite nicely.
"Your security has to come from your resilience and ability to meet what life deals you."
That is great advice!