Good Timing & Thank You

I was going through a bit of a rough patch last week and not feeling very happy. So it was perfect timing when I was cheered up by Asha who gave me the Nice Matters Awards for being a nice blogger. Thank you so much Asha!
I think all of you are nice, but some people did pop into my mind immediately when I thought of passing on this award. I'm always curious about where awards start and I found that Bella Enchanted created the Nice Matters Award. It's such a pretty award, so I wasn't surprised to see that it came from such a pretty blog. I'd like to pass on the award to the following bloggers.
CapCity You always have something nice to say and are very encouraging to all of us bloggers. The blogosphere is better for having you in it!
Lotus Reads You are such a sweetheart and helped me with our secret project for Asha. Thank you!
Amisha Your wonderful crafts are making their way into my home and I'm loving it! I'm so pleased that such a nice person is getting ready to start law school and will bring up the niceness quotient in our profession.
Mizrepresent Your blog is always a positive space and I feel happier after visiting! Like I'm sitting in a nice comfy chair in your living room with some nice treats and good conversation.
Suttonhoo You showed me your city and treated me to brunch and helped make my trip to Chicago even better!
I hope you all like your award! Thank you for being so nice!

And from looking at my sitemeter, I found that I am a finalist for a 2007 Black Weblog Award in the category of Best Food Blog. How cool! I guess the judges are making the rounds to the blogs and the winners will be announced on September 5th. Wish me luck! I'm not sure who nominated me, but I have some theories. Thank you!
*Edit* I just had some coffee, so I guess I'm more alert now. I forgot to add this little bit of fun to the post. I found a rap about baking! I thought it was really cute, so I thought I'd share a little bit here and give you a link to see the rest. From the rappin' baker, here is Rollin' (In the Dough).
YO! I make bread cuz I like to knead
The dough in my hands doesn't make them bleed
I got a bunch of active yeast in the freezer
I got a bin of flour, a real crowd pleaser...
Read the rest of this baking rap on the blog A Year In Bread here. Hilarious!
Anali's First Amendment © 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
It was a great pleasure to have you visiting our blog. Thanks you.
We are also taking this time to wish you the best for being the finalist in the award. we keep our finger cross!!!! anyway you are already a winner babe.
Glad I could cheer you up a little, great timing indeed.Enjoy. You are very nice and it does matter! Hugs.
Congratulations on being a finalist on that award, hope you win!
I will be home on Tuesday, beach is absolutely divine!! Saw Bourne Ul.. too:)
It's so nice of you to give me one in turn. I had so much fun working with you on Asha's secret project, I got to know you a little better, which is great because you're a wonderful gal!
I hope your blog wins the food so deserve to!
I, too went thru a rough spell a couple of weeks ago...was it something in the air? Was it due to hurricane season?...I'm just glad I got thru it and hope U did, too!
Hugz & Happiness 2 u always! u deserve every award given to u! u know i'm still looking for YOUR version of "like water for chocolate" or some similarly sensual food piece;-)
nance - LOL! True. It doesn't happen that often. ; )
mizrepresent - You're welcome and thank you so much for voting for me! ; )
big boys oven- Welcome and thanks for stopping by and for the good wishes!
asha - Isn't it funny? ; ) Thanks again! I want to see that movie too. I love those movies!
lotus reads - Thank you and you're welcome! ; )
kaylee - I'm doing very well today. I hope that your're feeling better. I got worried when I read your last post.
capcity - You are so welcome! ; ) I think there was something in the air. I saw similar stuff on people's blogs. I haven't even had time to work on my fiction. I need to get away and not have to work for a bit.
vasilisa - Thank you! Good to see you! I hope you and your family are doing well. I'm so curious about your secret project!!