Get Out The Vote!!

Earier today, I made some phone calls on behalf of the Deval Patrick and Tim Murray Campaign in the Quincy office. As I drove around the rotary in Quincy Center, I saw a bunch of people with Patrick/Murray signs. I also saw some signs saying to impeach Bush/Cheney. I smiled and waved at them.
Quincy Center is always pretty busy on Saturday afternoons, but there were a lot more people than ususal. I ended up parking in the lot for Quincy Public Library.
When I arrived in the campaign office, it was filled with people and really noisy. People making phone calls, standing around talking, and snacking on coffee, donuts and muffins. I found out that Tim Murray, who is the Democrat running for Lieutenant Governor and current Mayor of Worcester, would be arriving shortly. Congressman Bill Delahunt was already there talking with several people as was State Senator Michael Morrissey.
They all spoke about the excitement in the Democratic Party this election, on a local, state, and federal level. I was able to get a quick picture of all of them with my camera phone. From the left, Tim Murray, Bill Delahunt, and Michael Morrissey.
I also received my tickets to the election night party. It's going to be quite an event!
I am working with, and I will be making phone calls at one of our members house this afternoon, to get people out to vote!
I will be cheering with you on election night!
Go Patrick!
Go Webb! (here in Va.)
starry nights - Go Dems!
samuru999 - It's getting so close. The countdown begins - 26 hours until the polls close here tomorrow.
gunfighter - It's getting exciting!
wheresmymind - I took today off, which was very bad, so I'll definitely be going in tomorrow.