This Blog Is 8 Years Old!

Every year since 2006, on April 29th, I'm as excited as I am on my real birthday. Because that day  was a new beginning.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and blog. I had no clue what I was doing or if it would be fun or what, but I jumped in. With every passing year, I'm even more glad that I did.

My life has changed dramatically over the past eight years. One of the best things is having more confidence as a writer. From early childhood, I always knew I wanted to be a writer. But I didn't follow my heart like I should have from the beginning.

Then as I noticed time passing by, I started taking tiny steps toward it. Planting the seeds. Now I'm starting to see the results. 

Each year on this day, I pick a word for the year. For quite a while, I thought I had the perfect word chosen. Then another word started making its way into my consciousness and would not let go.

I just finished reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It's a wonderful book and I strongly recommend it. Looking back, my blog has been my own personal happiness project. I just didn't realize it yet!

Something the book discusses and that I've noticed myself over the years, is that what often makes us happy as adults is what made us happy as children. We just have to remember.

When I was in middle school, I used to love Field Day. We'd spend the whole day playing games and racing outside - track and field. At the end of the day, we'd have ice cream. I also used to love when we'd go on Field Trips and visit different places.

My blog has opened me up to so many new interesting experiences and people. Sort of like Field Trips. I've been thinking about a group sport and trying to figure out how to incorporate that into my life.

I love the idea of Field Guides and noticed that people write them about all sorts of things. I've always been very observant and curious, so this fits in with my normal inclination to study things and take notes. I always have plenty of cute little notebooks.

Then I thought about how there are different fields of study and career fields. The world field has so many meanings. It's wide open. Like a field itself. A field is where things can grow wild or be cultivated.

So by now, you've certainly noticed a pattern here. FIELD is my new word for the year. I'm planting more seeds and hoping to see them grow.

Of course, I could not end this post without a nod to one of my favorite singers. Here's Sting with  Fields of Gold.

*Updated 8/20/2014* Behind the scenes, this blog is taking its next steps to a new beginning. I don't remember the day that I came up with the tagline: Dishing up tasty servings of life, food + current events. But it was a few years ago and it stuck. It makes sense to me with how the blog has changed over the years.Within a month, things will be different here, but I'm ready to start something new.

Anali's First Amendment © 2006-2014. All rights reserved.
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Margie said…
Congrats on the eight years of blogging.
I will have my blogging anniversary in June, eight years for me as well.
Great post, Lisa
Lisa Johnson said…
Margie - Thank you so much! Early congratulations to you as well! We sure have seen a lot of changes in blogland haven't we? : )
Can-Can said…
Quite a milestone. Congratulations. This blog is such a positive one. Thanks for this labor of love.
Lisa Johnson said…
can-can - Thank you! It's nice to be appreciated. : )

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