It's Virgo Birthday Season!

Flickr photo by lindsay.dee.bunny

Happy Birthday fellow Virgos! I hope that those of you with birthdays in late August all got your birthday wishes. Let's hope the same for those of us born in September! This  gift-wrapped card would be a nice one to get for your birthday.

Last weekend I went to a family barbecue and picnic over at Mother's Rest on Carson Beach. What a beautiful spot! I didn't have my camera and my camera phone isn't working, so I don't have pictures of the area. I'll have to go back.

While I was there, I met Joyce Jenkins, a very nice lady and an event planner, who happened to be promoting her Annual Virgo Celebration. I love this idea! She's a Virgo as well, whose birthday is just a few days before mine. Her company name is Sapphire Productions. Our birthstone!

There are a few more tables left for the event, so if you're interested in buying tickets, you can get them here. It's a 35+ event featuring DJ Kevin Dottin with the best of Old School, R&B, and Neo Soul.

So fellow Virgos, what are you doing for your birthday? What's on your birthday wish list?

There's a really fun make-believe series on the blog Reading My Tea Leaves. While I have none of these things in reality and the budget will not allow them for the moment, they would make for a happy make-believe birthday. Cue dreamy music.

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~ I'd ride my bike to the park to fly the kite that I made, which would knock off #20 on my life list. If it's chilly, I'll be wearing one of these.

~ I'd spend some time looking through the latest issues of 3191 Quarterly and Remedy Quarterly.

~ All of the silver bracelets from the elephantine collection would arrive in the mail. Yes, I'm being greedy in make-believe!

~ I'm out of my favorite perfume, Leaves, by Elizabeth W, but it would magically appear and I would dab some on my wrists.

~ I would write all the checks necessary to pay off my student loans and put them in the mail. Woo hoo!!

Wasn't that a great day!? 

While not quite the same, my real birthday may still be quite nice. The plan is to take a pastel drawing class with my mother. I'll have a birthday meal with my family. And I may actually try to make and fly a kite ....

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Chris O saidā€¦
Don't know if I'm early or late but Happy Birthday Lisa! I wish you only the best now and always. Hope you post about your pastel class with your Mom!
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
chris - Thanks! My birthday isn't until the 11th, but I'll write about how the day goes. : )

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