The Art Of The Picnic

Flickr photo by KFoodaddict
Have you ever thought about the art of the picnic? It is a fine art. And a tasty one too.

I like this Korean lunch box picnic. Simple portable food in containers eaten outdoors by lovely surroundings. That says picnic to me.

Recently I listened to the Kojo Nnamdi show where they discussed picnics. Everyone has their own ideas about what makes perfect picnic food.

Mark Bittman gives 101 ideas for picnic food in a New York Times article. Martha Stewart gives some ideas for picnic crafts.

Having the right basket, blankets, napkins, glasses, utensils, disposable hand wipes, and extra bags for trash are always things to think about. If we can make them pretty, then all the better.

These Christmas in July almond cinnamon cookies might be a nice treat for dessert. For me, nothing says picnic like deviled eggs. Picnics as a kid always included them. Somehow it's just not a picnic without them.

I'll be making some this weekend for a picnic with my friend and her kids. What foods say picnic to you?

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Debbie V. said…
I've been thinking how nice a picnic sounds - it's too hot now, but maybe in the fall.
I love deviled eggs anytime :)
Lisa Johnson said…
debbie - Welcome to the blog! I agree if it's too hot a picnic is no fun, but the forecast was for much cooler weather this weekend, so it should be pretty nice.
Tracy said…
LOVE your picnic finds and tips, Lisa! We just lately took a picnic to the beach--the first time this summer, as the weather has been rainy since June. I made us focaccia sandwiches with herbed cream cheese and gravlax and dill pickle potato salad, and packed a flask of cold iced white tea...mmm... Let us know about your picnic. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lisa Johnson said…
tracy - Your meal sounds delicious! We had the best time yesterday. We went to a local beach and it was quite hot and sunny. My friend has three children, a boy and twin girls and they are filled with such curiosity and make amazing observations! They are growing up so fast and are just a delight.

I made deviled eggs and butterscotch, oatmeal, coconut cookies. They were a hit! My friend brought sandwiches and some snacks. No food pictures though. Maybe next picnic.

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