If A Woodchuck Could Write A Food Blog

Flickr photo by Chris Waits

According to my mother, a woodchuck has been enjoying some lovely meals in her garden.

She planted more than last year and plenty of vegetables and fruits are starting to come up. She saw a mini cantaloupe today!

However, the woodchuck has been making his way around the garden and getting things first!

As I listened to my mom telling the story, an image of a food blogging woodchuck popped into my head.

Imagine the little furry paws clicking away on the keyboard writing about all the food. "Had the best meal ever today! I"ll be back next week to see what's new. And it's all free!"

Maybe it was funnier in my head. : )

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Chris O said…
This is a riot! A friend of mine and his wife have been battling a groundhog who's been wreaking havoc on their garden for years with no groundhog relief in sight. It's one of the reasons we stopped having a garden many years ago although our varmints were skunks, deer and rabbits! I watch daily as my ornamental financial investment becomes a meal for the deer. There is no such thing as a "deer resistant" plant or tree! It's so discouraging.
Lisa Johnson said…
chris - Hopefully my next post about her garden will be pictures of food and not more critters! : )

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