Apple Slices: The Shuffle Not The Fruit

The one thing that people who run regularly have all told me is that you have to have music. 

So as I gear myself up, I decided that now was the time to get my first ever iPod. I know. I'm the last person on the planet to get one. I got the green iPod shuffle. As I listened to this radio show yesterday, it affirmed my decision as a good one.

It was so funny how I was congratulated after my purchase. Although, it was a milestone of sorts. Kind of strange to make my first Apple purchase after Steve Jobs passing. Genius lives on.

When I was waiting, I pulled out my phone to check the time. Then remembered that I have a Droid. The horror! I expected a collective gasp to hush the store as I looked at my non-iPhone. But nothing happened. : )

Anyway, my iPod is getting charged up and I put about 100 songs on it last night. I'll have to add some more, but it's a start.

When did you get your first iPod?

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Nance said…
Hilarious comment about expecting a collective gasp when you pulled out your Droid!

I got my first iPod, a shuffle like yours, for free, actually! My husband was a season ticket holder for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and it was sent as a gift promo. He already had an MP3 player, so he gave it to me. I almost never used it--I rarely listen to music--and now that I have an iPhone, it sits mouldering in a drawer. When I do my miles on the dreadmill (sic), I use the time to think. (AND SUFFER!! LOL)
Lisa Johnson said…
nance - I was really nervous for a second!

Well that was a nice gift! I agree with you about using the time on the treadmill to think. I have a treadmill at home that I walk on, but doesn't feel steady enough to run on. Plus I'm in an old house with downstairs neighbors and don't want to crash through the ceiling.
: )

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