Dreaming of a Loft

Photo via Luxury Residential Group

According to #99 on my life list, I'd like to live in a loft at least once. *sigh*

This space is available for sale in Quincy. I walk by the building all the time. Oh, the cooking I could do in this kitchen!

It used to be a Greek Orthodox Church, but they purchased a bigger building and moved. The space was renovated into condos. I had always wondered what they looked like inside. Now I know. Too bad I don't have a spare half a million bucks...

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T. said…
I agree, this is a beautiful space! Sigh...
Lisa Johnson said…
t - Wouldn't it be nice? ; )
Can-Can said…
Me, too. I've always wanted to live in a loft. My husband had always lived in apartments so he really wanted us to get a house with floors and separations and that's what we did.
Tell you waht, next time the lottery is some spectacularly obscence amount, I'll play the number and hit it and you will have the $ for your condo. How's that?
Esme said…
That is pretty nice.
Lisa Johnson said…
can-can - Sounds good to me!

esme - It would be so fun to decorate too.

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