Daylight Remains @ 4:41pm on Janaury 23rd

Today I realized the light has changed. While reading this wonderful book, I looked up and noticed these beautiful pink clouds.

Checked the time. After 4:30pm! Yes! We're going to make it through this winter after all.

Despite the gripping cold. Endless snow. And growing icicles.

We've been here before. And prevailed! Spring is waiting for us. Just around the corner.

So this cold falling upon us tonight. It's suppposed to be colder than what we've seen in six years. I have a new way of thinking about it thanks to my mom. Maybe some of this bitter chill is staying up north and helping a stranded polar bear make its way back home thanks to some recently frozen ice. : )

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Tracy said…
Hi, Lisa! I just love all the ribbons of light in winter evening skies. But I have to say, I am more than ready for spring to arrive...LOL! It's been snowy & wintry here since November! May the light keep lasting longer and stronger. ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))
Lisa Johnson said…
tracy - We had it easy here up until early December. Then we got a serious snow smackdown and it hasn't stopped since. We're due for another storm on Wednesday. And the snow is the "relief" from the cold. What?! But winter skies are pretty. Deep breath. : )
Nance said…
How strange: I looked out my back door yesterday at 5:15 and noted that it was still rather light out. I said the same sort of thing to myself! The days are getting longer little by little, and in spite of the unrelenting cold and snow, the change is happening. I just have to find the patience. (Big job for me, but it's nice to know things are happening!) How funny,though,that we both had the same thought at pretty much the same time!
SharleneT said…
It's my favorite time, to know that the seasons are moving forward and pretty soon there'll be buds on the trees and fruit on the vine... no matter what happens. Great time of year...
Lisa Johnson said…
nance - It must be happening with many of us. A friend of mine on facebook noticed it too. I just happened to write about it! ; )

sharlene - Signs like this keep me going! Knowing that little by little, change happens, even when we sometimes feel like it's not.

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