Boston Holiday Basket Program Needs Volunteers!

Are any of you looking for opportunities to volunteer during the holiday season? Want to add more joy to the world?

If so, I received some information about a very worthy organization called Community Servings. A non-profit food and nutrition program that provides services to individuals and families living with critical and chronic illnesses. Currently they serve 750 clients in 16 cities and towns each day. Community Servings helps clients maintain their health and dignity, provides nutritionally and culturally appropriate meals, preserves the integrity of their family, and sends the message that someone cares.

In addition to their regular meals program, for the past 20 years, Community Servings brings together over 400 volunteers who donate their time and talent to shop, wrap and deliver over 425 holiday baskets to those in need.

The holiday baskets are filled with warm clothes, basic necessities, and holiday treats for clients and their families. Clients submit their holiday wish list. Then they are adopted by volunteers who fulfill them.

If you'd like to help, here are a few things to choose from:

~ Several clients still need to be adopted. Adopt a client!

~ 70 more volunteers are needed to build holiday baskets. Build a basket!

~ If you're not interested in making a basket, you can help with sorting and/or delivery. Basket delivery day will be December 18th.

The location for Basket Drop off is the Theology and Ministry Library at Boston College on 117 Lake St. Basket Central will be open for basket drop off from Friday, December 10th - Monday, December 13th during the following hours:

Friday, December 10th from 8:30am - 3:00pm
Saturday, December 11th from 11:30am - 6:00pm
Sunday, December 12th from 1:30pm - 8:00pm
Monday, December 13th from 8:30am - 9:30pm

To volunteer or to ask questions, contact Ashley Boyd at 617-522-7777, x228 or email her: Please help spread the word for a great cause and volunteer if you can!

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Carol E Wyer said…
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Please feel free to drop by my blog and maybe follow if you want.
Warmest wishes
Carol from
Last post 'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...'
Lisa Johnson said…
facing50blog - Welcome! Thanks for dropping by, commenting and following. Such a nice way to start my day. I'll drop by your blog soon. : )

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