Hello Summer.

Photo: MKB Photography

♥ ♥ ♥

Before you sip that lemonade or lick that ice cream cone, sneak a peek at this gallery of summer on flickr.

*Updated 7/2/2010* This picture of a "baby shark" is the cutest picture ever! Also, you can see the SOLSTICE newsletter in a new archive section. Take a look at the July issue and let me know what you think.

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Esme said…
What a beautiful photo-Happy Summer.
Tracy said…
Happy Summer Days, Anali... and have a great July 4th! :o) ((HUGS))
Suldog said…
I'm hard-pressed to remember two more beautiful days than yesterday and today. Just about as good as it gets in the Boston area!
Small Burst said…
Our echinacea are finally out. Love how hearty these flowers are and so pretty too. Happy Summer and have a great weekend!
Elizabeth said…
That "baby shark" just made my day! :) Too cute. Hope your summer's off to a fabulous start!
Lisa Johnson said…
esme - Thanks! Hope you're enjoying yours too!

tracy - Happy days to you! : )

suldog - We have had some good weather. I just hope no more days of 100 degrees! That was too much.

small burst - Thanks so much for the visit and happy weekend to you too!

elizabeth - Glad you enjoyed it! So precious! ; )

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