Getting From Here To There
This week has been a busy one! A good one too. I started a new freelance assignment that I'm really enjoying.
I walked around the city more than I have in years. It's been fun taking pictures and talking to people. Since it was such a beautiful day, I took some fun shots just for me.
I thought I'd share them with you. Then I noticed a pattern. The pictures were modes of transportation. Bikes, boats, canoes, and trains.
When I took them, was I subconsciously thinking about how we move from one part of our lives to the next? How we transition? Or just literally all the ways that we get around?
I'm not sure. But I feel like I'm entering a new phase.
I don't know what's coming next. Well, actually a few things I do. I'll write more about them soon. For now, I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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josephine - Thanks! Sounds good to me!
se'lah - Glad you like them! I had a lot of fun taking them.
tracy - Thank you so much! A lot of change is happening for both of us! Looking forward to seeing where our journeys take us both!