A Blogging Tip For Valentine's Day

This may be old news to you, but it was new to me.

I just learned how to make a heart on my keyboard.

I've seen the little hearts around.

Here and there.

I wondered about the secret that everyone seemed to be in on, but me.

And today I learned that it's nothing but Alt + 3.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Love that tip! I always made them on fb with a <3 but it doesn't always work on blogger. Now I'll use ♥! Thanks for stopping by;o)

FH said…
Thanks so much, very cute Heart, will use it. Happy V day, hugs to you! :))
I've been wondering about that! Thank you, my dear!

Esme said…
Okay I need to search Mac directions it gives me the sign for the pound.
alessandra said…
♥ Oh, thank you so much for sharing ♥ mwah ♥ now I'm the crazy heart writer ♥
Relyn Lawson said…
OH! I am just delighted to learn the heart trick. Thank you!
Suldog said…
Really? Let me try...

I don't think it's working for me... :-(
Lisa Johnson said…
tanya - Thanks for the visit! Glad you liked the tip! ; )

asha - A hug back to you! :D

gfe - You're welcome Shirley!

esme - You're right. This is for a PC and not a Mac. I don't have a Mac, so unfortunately I'm no help there. : (

alessandra - LOL! You're welcome!

relyn - I ♥ to delight!

suldog - Sorry about that. Maybe you have a Mac?

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