One Small Thing. One Small Purse.

For a couple of months, I've been planning to write about the One Small Purse Project , but I'm just getting it together today.

If you'd like to generate some good karma for the new decade, this is a great way to start. Kelly Wickham, aka Mocha Momma is a very funny lady and a really cool blogger with a truly generous soul. She's also an Assistant Principal at a high school.

In Kelly's words, here's the short version of what the drive is all about and how you can help. Read the longer version here.
Problem: our high school girls are only allowed to carry small purses to school (itā€™s a safety issue) and many girls have already purchased purses. Do I need to mention The Economy? Do I need to mention the poverty rate in my school?

Solution: have friends and family help donate small purses (women almost ALWAYS have more than one purse!), sell them for the bargain basement price of $5, and donate that money to the school for the students. My friends have been gracious enough to clean out their closets, but I know a lot more people find this an easy project in which to get involved.

Purses should be no larger than 8.5 x 11 so measuring with a piece of paper should be easy to use for measurement. They can be sent to me at:

Kelly Wickham
P.O. Box 9465
Springfield, IL 62791

I'm just spreading the word. If even one person could send in a purse, or maybe a business could send a bunch, wouldn't that be great?

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FH saidā€¦
Wishing you a belated happy, healthy new year Anali. Been a long time, I know! :))

have a great weekend.
Josephine saidā€¦
thanks for giving this some well-deserved exposure! i'll be going through my closet to see what small purses i can send their way.
Tammy saidā€¦
Great idea! I will look through some of my purses that I have.

Happy Saturday SITS sharefest Day! Have a great weekend!
Mocha saidā€¦
Oh, man, you just made me CRY. I swear, I am not short on lovely blogging friends with great big hearts! Thank you, sweetness.
Can-Can saidā€¦
Ir'a so gracious of you to share this request and so nice to be able to fulfil a request easily.
Nina saidā€¦ I've been visiting your blog for quite some time now...I've been wondering where the comment section disappeared to. Just another example of my impatience and not reading far enough to realize that you've changed the format :)
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
asha - Happy New Year my friend! It's so good to see you around again! I just stopped by your blog and still cannot get over your curry plant. ; )

josephine - That would be great! Thank you!

tammy - Welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by from SITS and for your kind gesture. I hope you had a great weekend!

mocha - You're welcome! I'm just trying to follow your lead lady! ; )

can-can - I love the simplicity of this project too. So little sometimes can do so much.

nina - I'm always changing things up around here. Thanks for being patient and looking around. ; )

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