Free Saturday Yoga

I read this tweet and wondered if it could really be true. Free Hatha yoga? Every Saturday this summer? Really?

Since there was no reply to the question here, I wasn't sure. So I went to The Liberty Hotel's website. I couldn't verify the free yoga there either. So I Googled the key words and found something that looked promising.

Relax after a busy work week with Mimi Hall's Saturday morning yoga sessions at The Liberty. An instructor at several local studios, Hall specializes in Hatha and Bikram yoga. Sessions take place in The Yard. Mats will be provided for hotel guests. Free of charge for guests and Boston locals. Water and towels provided. Weather permitting.
Maybe it was true. But still, if I'm going to blog it, I really want to be sure. So I called the hotel and asked. Yup! It's true!

It's nice to know that in this economy, there really are ways to do fun things with very little or no money. So this Saturday, you can take a free yoga class, then destroy all your efforts with free ice cream. Summer fun!

*Updated June 4th* The Liberty Hotel's website has added information regarding the free Saturday yoga classes.

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How cool! Hope you go and enjoy a class or two at least! :-)

Jen saidā€¦
Thanks for the scoop! If you attend, please blog about it ;)
Lara saidā€¦
In Chicago, there is free yoga every Saturday morning in Millennium Park. Also - lots of yoga studios have free "community classes". I've found two in my new 'hood in Chicago, so I'm sure there are some in your area, too!
SE'LAH... saidā€¦
Thanks for the heads up.

I took a few Bikram Yoga classes and it surely makes you sweat.

One Love.

p.s. Thanks for sticking with me thru my hiatus.
Brandi Reynolds saidā€¦
there's a vegetarian restaurant here in dallas that gives yoga for a donation (no suggested amount-just asking for a donation) every weekend. I think that rocks!!!
Liz Dwyer saidā€¦
Hmm... I should search out some free yoga classes here in LA. I'm sure there are some in my neighborhood somewhere. And I just ate ice cream so I really need to work out! :)
Nina saidā€¦
Free yoga followed by free ice cream?! Wow! I'm serious, Anali, every time I stop by your place I find another reason to want to come to Boston!!!
Suldog saidā€¦
Well, at least they won't be able to tell you that they ran out of yoga!
Just dropping by to say that I tagged you!! Drop by S&I to see how to play along!
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
shirley - I definitely plan on going at least once. I'm so psyched!

jen - You're welcome! I can't seem to stop blogging about these classes, so I'll definitely do a follow-up or two or ten! : )

lara - I love Millenium Park! That must be so nice to be outside there. I had no idea there were so many of these free classes. What a wonderful thing!
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
se'lah - You're welcome! I've heard about Bikram, but never taken a class. It kind of scares me. But I do love Hatha. ; )

brandi - How cool! I'm sure they get more business because of the yoga.

los angelista - I'm sure there are some in LA. I wonder if there's an online directory of free yoga classes by region? I'm going to look for one. If I find one, I'll do another post and link to it.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
nina - Well, you just need to get on over here!

suldog - LOL! Very true!

style and inspiration - Thank you! I'll try and do it, but I'm not sure when.
Awesome thanks for the info.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
free yoga - You're welcome!

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