A Snack Quote For Tough Economic Times

My clothes are in the washer, and I'm doing some job searching, catching up on emails and blog posts. Yes, I'm multi-tasking this Monday morning.

I stumbled upon the quote below and thought I would share it with you. Take from it what you will.

"There's only so much you can save by pulling the tea and cookies out of the conference room." Via Above the Law.

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FH said…
Haha!! Great quote!

I am washing, blog hopping, cooking for lunch and dinner and trying to sell the old couch too! :D
starry said…
Loved the quote Anali.I am trying to read,write,cook some dinner and everything else there is to do.
Nance said…
Lisa Johnson said…
asha - Good luck with selling the couch!

starry nights - I guess we're all trying to do a million things at once!

nance - Snacks do make people smile!

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