Pepsi: What Are You Drinking?

Stuck in traffic this afternoon, I was on Mass. Ave. driving from Cambridge to the Expressway. I saw this billboard and was completely dumbfounded. What does this mean?

SODYPOP. Is that supposed to be cute? I'm not the only one with a less than positive reaction. However, as much as I found it annoying, I couldn't stop myself from taking a picture.

Pepsi has apparently gone through a lot with their new logo. Oh, and if you click onto the Pepsi website, depending upon where you are and whether or not you have headphones on, you may want to turn down the volume.

Well, if they were just seeking chatter, buzz, and hoping to go viral, I guess they've succeeded. Whether that translates into increased sales, I don't know. But some people are saying to pass them a Coke.

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Suldog said…
There was a discussion concerning Pepsi and their billboards on U-Hub a while back. I'd point you to exactly where, but I'm lazy. It was the usual fun, though, as I remember.
FH said…
HeHe!! That's funny. Sodypop? Did somebody got high on Sodapop while making that bill board?

I prefer to drink plain water most of time and if I have a choice.

Have fun watching Super Bowl! :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hey Anali! Thank you for checking out our blog, and glad to see we're not the only ones not to keen on the new pepsi campaign.
Nance said…
I thought they were trying to hook into the Obama logo and ride his coattails. But I don't get "sodypop." Is that supposed to sound "cute" or "young?" It sounds sort of "hick" to me.

Regardless, I'm not a soda/sody drinker. But Pepsi's not very stupid, are they? They got free advertising here, didn't they?

You buzzed them up! ;-)
dmarks said…
I like the two Obama logos on the billboard. Makes me want to go vote for him, but I don't live in Chicago, so that is not happening.

Yes, Anali gave some free advertising here, but for Obama not Pepsi.
dmarks said…
Could I use this photo in a blog post, Anali?
Liz Dwyer said…
Sodypop? Um, okay...

Their Superbowl commercials were weird too. They're just trying too hard.
Lisa Johnson said…
suldog - I must have missed it!

asha - I'm not a big soda drinker myself. I prefer water too or juice, lemonade, iced tea, something like that. Every once in a while I do like orange soda or root beer though. : )

ron-newman - Thanks!

Gitamba Saila-Ngita - Welcome! I didn't think it was possible, but their McCruber spots on SNL were even more annoying than the billboards. They do know how to get noticed though.
Lisa Johnson said…
nance - I did give them free publicity, so I may have helped their cause. But if I'm ever in a situation to choose between Coke and Pepsi, I'll take Coke on principal. Unless of course they suddenly wanted to buy ad space on my blog. I'd sell out! ; )

dmarks - Well, Obama already won, so that ship has sailed. But the logos are pretty similar. They do have a whole Obama campaign thing happening on their website too.

And I sent you an email about the photo. It's fine to use it and it's on flickr.

los angelista - I don't get it. Maybe they are just trying to be really odd, so that everyone will chat about their weirdness. If so, it worked.
Anonymous said…
I am not a fan of the new logo at all. Why would they destroy one of the few internationally recognizable logos and replace it with an ungraceful and confusing version. It's not bold, it's sloppy. It's not a smile, it's the souls of a million graphic designers dying.
Lisa Johnson said…
nik daum - Welcome! It must be that they wanted to create buzz, because that they have certainly done. Otherwise, I just don't get it either...

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