Still Screaming For Ice Cream

I know that I just did an ice cream post for a blog event, but I found yet another ice cream blog event and decided that it was a good excuse to make some more ice cream. The deadline for submissions is today, so I will just make it. This is the reason for so many consecutive blog posts. I think I'm all blogged out! Nah! Not really. I have several other posts planned that will be coming up soon.

For Nikki's event over at Nik Snacks, I decided to change up the flavors from the last recipe and try coffee and chocolate chips. I eliminated the coconut milk, which I now know made the ice cream really creamy. The new flavor is still very good, but I do miss the super creamy texture. All my recipes are works in progress and this is no different. I'll continue experimenting with the ingredients and their proportions. For now, here's the recipe as is, which I think you will still enjoy.
Coffee Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
4 cups WestSoy Vanilla Soy Shake
1/2 cup coffee
pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups sugar
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Whisk ingredients (minus the chips) together in medium bowl. Put in ice cream maker for about 45 minutes or until you have a somewhat creamy consistency. Scoop out and put in freezer safe container. Stir in chocolate chips. Store in freezer. Enjoy!
*Updated* For more ice cream tips, click here. He literally wrote the book.
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It was so WONDERFUL to meet you! I could have stayed for hours chatting with you and Ali.
Thanks SO much for submitting this to Ice Cream, You Scream. It looks wunderbar!
nikki miller-ka - You're welcome! I can't wait for the roundup!
ben - Welcome! My ice cream maker was one of the best gifts I ever got! Let me know if you make the ice cream! ; )