It's Juneteenth!

Happy Juneteenth everyone! I didn't get a chance to write a new post this year, but check out my posts from the last two years.

*Updated* EbonyMommy has a list of other Juneteenth resources that you can read here. And she has kindly included my post as one of them. Thanks for the link love!

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Suldog said…
Juneteenth! What a great day for a parade! As a matter of fact, they had one downtown already! There were these big vehicles full of people of color, and they went all the way from Causeway Street to Copley Square, and vast crowds of (mostly) people of less color were cheering them on and telling them that they loved them and such! Meanwhile, the people of color were so in love with the people of less color, they decided to call themselves "Celtics", which was a Western European tribe of pasty-skinned folks.

It all kind of makes me proud to be an American (*sniff*)
Tera said…
This reminds me that I have been reading your blog for quite some time now! Fabulous!
dmarks said…
Celtics? The basketball playoffs seemed to go on for 5 months and I lost what little interest I had long ago.
Lisa Johnson said…
suldog - LOL! It was kind of a funny coincidence that the Celtics parade was on Juneteenth.

tera - I guess it has been a while with it being the 3rd Juneteenth. I'll have to write something up "for real" next year.

dmarks - Oh I loved the finals! I don't even normally watch basketball, but I watched the last several games and loved every minute! It's kind of hard not to watch sports in Boston nowadays. It's part of the culture. ; )

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