Not Mine

If you checked out my most recent post on Leap183, you'll see a few plastic and paper bags on the floor. For my normal weekly grocery shopping I go to Stop & Shop. I always ask for paper and plastic. I hate when they don't after I ask. My reason is so that the bags are sturdy enough to make it all the way from my car and up the stairs to my apartment. I've had several rips with just plain single paper or single plastic. It's not fun. Also, instead of buying trash bags, I re-use the grocery bags.
Another use for the bags is to cover the floor when I repot my plants. Which I did on Monday with one plant that had not been repotted for at least four years. It was really time. Anyway, when I was grabbing a bag, this store receipt fell out. My first thought was that I hadn't seen it before, so I didn't deduct the amount from my check book. Eeek!
Luckily I looked at the total, which was way more than I spend and I didn't recognize the types of items. Shortbread cookies from the Bakeshop and Dark Ring Ding Jr. I didn't even know Dark Ring Ding Jr.'s existed! They do sound good though! I don't think I've bought Ring Dings since high school. I used to love most of the Drake's Cakes - Yodels and Devil Dogs too. I ate one of Drake's Cakes everyday during Study. Those are some nice memories actually...
And I loved the shortbread cookies that I made, but I'm not usually a huge fan and probably wouldn't buy them at the store. Especially since they're so easy to make. For the rare times when I buy cookies at the store, it's usually chocolate-chip because I need them immediately.
So after this thorough food analysis, I realized that this was not my receipt. Also, there are beef baby back ribs and I don't eat beef. It's funny what you can learn about someone from what they buy or don't buy at the grocery store. I always find it fascinating what other people put into their carts. And people have commented on things that I've bought too. Rice milk for instance. One of the cashiers asked me a ton of questions.
Do you notice what's in other peoples' carts or look at the food in front of yours at the register? Do you ever look at the person to match them up with their food? Does it look like that's what they actually eat? Maybe it's just me...
I just learned via my cousin Enyasi, that the James Beard Award Nominees were recently announced. Now this is a nice reference list if you plan to do some cookbook shopping. I'm going to go take another look.
*Updated 4/11/08* - Suldog's comment reminded me of this cool blog and book that has collections of peoples' grocery lists. Find it here.
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long time, hope you are doing well.
Well, I'm not at my computer so I don't wanna sign in - just came by to say HI! Luv the new header photo, too.
~ CAPCity;-)
suldog - That would have been hilarious! Kind of like being in someone else's head for a bit. I've lost my shopping list and wondered if anyone found it and looked at it.
I heard that someone made a whole book of shopping lists. It started out as a blog and caught on from there. I just Googled it and you can find it here. I think I'll update this post by adding it.
nance - A nice laugh can win me over in a minute. I wish him well!
mosilager - Hi there! Good to see you here again! Even though your blogging has dropped off, I've still been following you on flickr. Not in a crazy stalky way. You know what I mean. I love your pictures! ; )
pam - Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! That sounds like a fun game! I'm going to try it next time. To take the game to another level, you could also ask the question, "Could this person be a food blogger?" :D I guess if you see them taking pictures, that would probably answer it.
bleeding espresso - That's really surprising! Do you feel like you buy differently because you're American? Could people look in your cart and tell that you're not from there originally?
capcity - Hey there Cap! Thanks for the kind words about the header. I'm going to keep this one for a bit. Well, I guess until Summer! ; )