Fear Not America


FH said…
:D :D :D

I have got Omelette and spicy salsa at Aroma for that "little" baby!!:P
AVIANA said…
funny video! thanks for stopping by!


Obama raise up! we're behind you!
I was not expecting this...too funny.
PunditMom said…
I LOVE this! Thanks for the laugh! If only there weren't so much truth in them trying to scare us.
Suldog said…
That's magnificent. As an announcer (although I hope not a "scary" one) it was especially funny!
Lisa Johnson said…
asha - That was a shocking baby wasn't it? ; )

aviana - I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it! ; )

coloredgirlswhohaveconsidered - Welcome! I was shocked when I saw it too. But pleasantly!

gunfighter - I'm glad you liked it!

punditmom - It's funny how all these ads have the disembodied voice, but you never see them. Then to see him! I cracked up too! ; )

suldog - There are so many creative people out there. I'm really getting into youtube lately, as you can tell I'm sure!
David Sullivan said…
Its sad that Hillary has taken on the fear mongering tactics that the Republicans have employed since Regan.
Liz Dwyer said…
Oh my goodness! That was REALLY funny! I needed that laugh. Thx!
Lisa Johnson said…
david sullivan - It really is a shame and will only hurt all Democrats in the end.

los angelista - Glad you liked it! ; )

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