Feed A Cold

I've been planning to make these Black Bean Burgers that I saw on Asha's blog for quite a while now. Right now I'm battling a head-cold, so my brain is a bit fuzzy, but I did make these burgers today. I'm hoping to do a little more cooking later, but it seems that everytime I make the least effort, I need to go take a nap, so we'll see what happens. That saying "Feed a cold and starve a fever" is quite appropriate right now. I'm trying to keep my strength up.
These burgers are also my submission to The Well-Seasoned Cook's blog event - My Legume Love Affair.

I adapted Asha's recipe, but I think that my burgers were a little dry. Next time I think I may add more oil or not put in as much cornmeal. They do have a nice flavor though. Here's the recipe.
Black Bean Burgers
15 oz. can of black beans
1 T garlic powder
1 T oregano
1 T basil
1 T cilantro
1/3 cup corn meal
1/2 large onion = 1 cup
1 T canola oil
Rinse beans and drain. Put beans in food processor to quickly grind up.

Pour ground beans into medium bowl. Add onion, seasonings, and oil. Combine with fork.

Form bean mixture into patties.

Put skillet over medium heat and coat with oil. Cook patties until browned on both sides

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I just heard on the news that cloned meat is on the way, so you have perfect timing with this recipe!
I hope you feel better soon.
Bean Burgers look really good. You could add few tbsps of Tomato sauce too if you feel they are a bit dry. Keep the corn meal, it gives a bit of texture and crispness. Enjoy!:)
I am baking something with Rum and raisins right now, will post!;D
I will open the comments in Feb, visiting very very few blogs regularly including your's. Be warm!:)
I become ravenous whenever I get a cold. I want to eat just about all the time.
Hope you feel better soon!
Get well soon!
(your celtics are having a MAJOR season thanks to some rebuilding!!)
Hope you'll be better soon!
I'm going to make those burgers!
They look so good!
Hope your cold is better. Those first few days while it working your way through the system can be miserable.
I've seen those burgers on Asha's blog they look delicous will give them a go when we get home.
kuan gung - Well, hello stranger! Happy New Year! Good to see you here again! I'm a fan of the premade ones too, but I definitely prefer to make my own when I can.
susan - Welcome! I'm glad you like the recipe and thanks for having such a cool event on your blog!
giz - Welcome! These really are good and I think that adding tomato sauce, as Asha suggested, will make them even better.
suldog - The cold does the same thing to me, which is not good! ; )
zen chef - I'm sure you could whip up quite a beautiful meal with these! ; )
nance - We seem to be on a winning streak in these parts!
margie - Let me know how you like them!
so simple - I'll be looking forward to you maybe posting about them! : D
david sullivan - I think you can say whatever you want to say! ; )
Unfortunately the FDA is NOT making meat sellers label cloned meat.
Also it's hard to know about the health of cloned animals because many times they mix them with non-cloned animals and don't track them.
Once again the FDA is letting us down.