
These awards just keep coming! Thank you so much for this Wonderful Women of the Web Award that I just received from BipolarLawyerCook.
The award was recently launched here.
I'd like to pass this award on to two women who have used the Web to try and live out their dreams and make better and more fulfilling lives for themselves. I think they are both really brave, full of creativity, and a love for life. I admire you both for sharing with all of us.
Aviana and Tsiporah, I hope that you both will accept this award! Please check out their blogs The Evolution of Tsiporah and Aviana ... Coming To An Arena Near You! I think we are going to see some wonderful things from these ladies!
Anali's First Amendment © 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
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Congrats and thanks for dropping by my site. I appreciate your comments :)
asha - Yes, her blog name is BipolarLawyerCook! It is a cool name isn't it? ; )
dhivya karthik - Welcome! The more blog hopping I do, the more lawyers I find who also love to cook. It is kind of an interesting combo. : )
I see you have passed it to another 2 women of substance
Thank you so much for this award! I am grateful and humbled that you consider me as part of the wonderful women of the web.
i am trying to do something that is farfetched...but hey everyone starts somewhere....
funny how i don't think much people on the web don't think much of me...i just go in and out of blogs, read them and leave little posts but i honestl don't think other bloggers remember cuz i get such little traffic which is makes it more intimate...hehehe...
anyhow thank you so much and also congrats on your are doing something also marvelous with your online cooking career...soon that law degree will no longer be needed as you become famous in the real world with your cooking... :)
alrite bye!
thanks again!
Hugz & take care,
amisha - Thank you! ; )
aviana - You are so welcome!
capcity - Thanks and the prayers are appreciated. I can walk today, but I'm still limping about. Not fun nor the cutest look. : (