These Events Just Keep On Coming

I've submitted recipes to two blog events that have just posted their Roundups of all the different entries. I hope you can stop by both of these events and look around.
For the Vegetarian Awareness Month Event, I submitted this recipe for Creamy Brussels Sprout Soup. Check out the Roundup being hosted by Margot on her blog Coffee & Vanilla.
The Cranberry Pumpkin Cookies that I made can also be found in the Garden-Cook-Event Roundup on Astrid's blog called Paulchen's Foodblog?!. In addition to having a bunch of great cranberry recipes to check out, you can also vote for your three favorite entries.
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Both looks yum, enjoy. Have a great weekend Anali.
Just saw the vegetarian round up.
Yum glad you love the Brussel sprout soup...Now I love vegetables and make a lot of vegetarian food as my husband is not overly fond of meat. So I must say on viewing the finalists of the Blogger food awards (and of course I voted for you Anali.)
I was really disappointed to see that the 3 finalists were all for Vegan food. With all the wonderful and innovative food blogs around I was amazed to see this...not to offend anyone but I would have thought Vegan food is really still a minority. So who do you think was doing all the voting?
asha - You have a great weekend too!
sirisha kilambi - I imagine the events may become even more frequent with so many holidays approaching. How do people do it all??!! : )
so simple - Hmmm. Not sure. I didn't look at all the categories, but I'm pretty sure all the food blogs weren't vegan. Nicole's blog "Pinch My Salt" is one of the three finalists, but her blog isn't vegan. Her blog is wonderful by the way and I gave her my vote yesterday. She's also one of the very nice bloggers that I met at the Blogher Conference!
susan - I'm going to make it again! ; )
jennifer - Let me know how it turns out!
starry nights - You have a good weekend too!
bipolarlawyercook - I think I may be fading! I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the comments everyday. This is a marathon, so I have to pace myself. Like studying for the Bar! ; )
Enjoy your day,