Can I Do It Everyday For A Month?

You may have noticed the banner for NaBloPoMo on my right sidebar. I joined National Blog Posting Month and have committed to posting everyday for the entire month of November.
I've been saving some things up to post about, but I imagine that random things will pop up now and then too. This should be interesting. I hope to mix things up a bit and see what happens.
I'm open to suggestions. Is there anything in particular you would like to see here? Any recipes you want me to try? Movies you want me to see? Books you want me to read? Topics you'd like to discuss? Restaurants you want me to review? I make no promises, but I'll see what I can do.
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We have Deepavali festival in one week and Thanksgiving at the end of Nov. busy cooking, a LOT!!:D
You could post about how you saved me from French prison :)
I mentioned you today and Thank you again for saving my life!!!
carolg :)
Good luck and I'll watch this, but not daily! Maybe you should try some B.A. meetings.
asha - I'm looking forward to all you're cooking posts, so I'm glad you're taking the time that you need!
suldog - Nothing special. You're right that Halloween is different. I think that things are just different now from when we were young. When I first moved here, I bought all kinds of candy, came home from work early and was so excited to see all the kids costumes. I did this for maybe two years.
I think one year nobody showed up and another year maybe two kids came by and one was old. I got so disappointed I gave up. I've heard similar things from friends. I think that kids only go to places where they know people. Which makes sense, but it's kind of sad.
parisbreakfasts - Hi Carol! I did no such thing, but thanks for the shout out! ; )
nicole - Yay! I'm looking forward to your posts!
bipolarlawyercook - I actually have a bunch of ideas, but I'll have to figure out a way to stretch them out, so they will be kind of quick to post. Expect to see more photographs than usual ... and maybe less writing! ; )
jennifer - I just visited your blog! I hope you show some more of your knitting too!
It can get tough posting everyday, but I'm sure you can do it girl! Throw anything at us; we are ready!:)
NaBloPoMo Rocks!
plez - I'm getting ready to do my 5th post. Then only 25 to go! I'm glad your in it with me! I'm going to drop by your blog in a bit. ; )