Hmmmm. If only I could find ...

a place that sold hardware and paints.

More buildings that I see as I walk to work from South Station.

Anali's First Amendment © 2006-2007. All rights reserved.


FH said…
What a change!!!
starry said…
The small mom& pop stores are fast disappearing.
Nina said…
sometimes I see interesting things on my way to work too. but seeing that I drive I'm not usually in a position to stop and take a picture. you're lucky!
AVIANA said…
hey there!

nice pics, but i think i won't be coming by for awhile....i'm going on a fast and the last thing i need to see is food temptation from your pics....

So So Simple said…
Hey love to see your town. Looks nice and sunny how is the weather...still warm.
Tera said…
Wow...that difference is like night and day! It reminds me of a mom and pop bakery that I used to go to in my home town for a majority of my life and is now closed (Nina you know where I'm talking about). And sure other places have tried the recipes, but they don't compare...I think I'll cry now.
It's so surprising to see "hardware store" and not Lowe's or Home Depot. What a refreshing change!
AVIANA said…
have nice weekend!

party it up!
Suldog said…
Signs like that always start me to wondering. The windows on the 4th floor are blocked by it. Is anything on that floor - or any person - who cares about having no view? Maybe a hermit lives there and he LIKES how the sign blocks the sunlight. How did the idea for a sign like that come about? It's such an odd shape! Things like that...
Lisa Johnson said…
asha - I'm not sure I know what you mean??

starry nights - They sure are. I've never been in this place. I'm curious and might go in just because I'm intrigued by the sign. I could use a little paint too actually.

nina - I usually don't bring my camera with me, so I see things and either use my camera phone or I come back with my real camera later. I've been thinking about this picture for months!

aviana - I hope your fast goes well! Enjoy your weekend too!

so simple - It was really hot early in the week - humid and in the 90's, then pretty warm, and now it's chilly again. That's New England!
Lisa Johnson said…
tera - I must be missing something about the difference... Sorry! It is like an old-fashioned neighborhood bakery though. I think that's why it was so crowded. People long for something that brings back memories like that.

susan - Is that the change that everyone means? I didn't get it! It is refreshing though! ; )

suldog - Now you and starry have gotten me curious. I'm going into this store ths week! I'll report back! ; )
Big Boys Oven said…
Looks interesting yet so beautiful... or did i get it wrong?
dc_speaks said…
hey, the structure of that bldg in the second picture is fantastic. nice shots.

i'll have to put some of my old shots up one day. i used to take mad pics when i was a photo journalism minor. i love your eye.

thanks for sharing, anali!

it's inspiring!
Lisa Johnson said…
big boys oven - Eeek! I'm causing too much confusion over this post! ; ) But I do love the look of all of these buildings.

dc_speaks - I'm so glad you like my pictures. Thank you! I'm really interested in taking a photography class at some point. I'd love to see some of your old shots. I'll have to keep checking your blog! ; )
KAYLEE said…
Lisa Johnson said…
kaylee - You're welcome! ; )
Mosilager said…
I miss the small stores as well. Luckily there are still plenty of little restaurants that are popular.
Anonymous said…
Interresting and beautiful pictures !!!
dc_speaks said…
i will probably start going thru some of my old shots and posting them soon.

i did lots of still life and scenery based shots. the captionable shots are somewhere that i must find since i hid them from my first wife so she wouldn't pitch them like she did the ones she found.

she obviously didn't have a love for the art like i did. all she saw was some women in pics and decided I didn't need them anymore.

thanks and I will be posting them once I get them from out of hiding!

Lisa Johnson said…
mosilager - I think now that we've gone through so many years with all these big box stores, there's a yearning for little shops again.

pom d'api - Thank you!

dc_speaks - Such a shame you had to hide them! I hope you can find a lot to show us!

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