Isn't This Gorgeous?

I called my mother this morning and she told me that I needed to get my sunflowers today before they were all destroyed. Not only have the squirrels been having a feast on the seeds, but today the birds started in on them too. My mom said that just from this morning to this afternoon, the birds ate up a lot of the sunflower petals.

My mom's favorite flowers are zinnias.

I spent a nice few hours this afternoon with my parents. I picked some flowers from the garden and enjoyed some good conversation. And now I have my favorite flowers in a vase in my apartment.

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BipolarLawyerCook saidā€¦
Gorgeous. Sunshine in a vase.
FH saidā€¦
Aw!! Beautiful!! I am going to miss Summer!!
Lotus Reads saidā€¦
Mon Dieu! That picture is certainly eye-catching, what beautiful flowers Anali! Love your new profile pic, too!
CapCity saidā€¦
WOW! Tha's some calorie-free deliciousness;-). Thanx for sharing, Sis Anali!
Mizrepresent saidā€¦
Their beautiful! You are so talented!
Suldog saidā€¦
Sometimes, I'm such a city boy. I had no idea sunflowers ever got to be that color. Very beautiful.
Nance saidā€¦
I'm with your mom. You can't beat old-fashioned zinnias for bold, showy, audacious color in a garden. And they are so hardy, too. They just stand straight up and look ostentatious.
Mosilager saidā€¦
So pretty... now you have them brightening up your apartment, yay.
Big Boys Oven saidā€¦
Such lovely and vibrant sunflower you have there.
Cynthia saidā€¦
Such beauty to behold.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
bipolarlawyercook - Thank you! "Sunshine in a vase." I like that!

asha - I'm going to miss it too! I do love seeing sunflowers everywhere though. I walked by the farmers market on my way to work yesterday and saw tons of sunflowers! I'll have to take some more pictures!

lotus reads - Thanks! I keep switching my picture up now and again! Like you! ; )

capcity - LOL! You're welcome! That's so funny, but I guess they are calorie free!

mizrepresent - Thank you!

suldog - I had no idea either until my mom started growing them.

nance - They are pretty! I'm bringing some of them home this weekend!

mosilager - Nothing brightens up a room like flowers!

big boys oven - Thank you! ; )

cynthia - Nature at its finest!
amisha saidā€¦
so beautiful! what a stunning color... i love them.
jac saidā€¦
All of them are lovely lke you, anali
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
amisha - Thank you!

jac - Thanks cuz! ; )
PunditMom saidā€¦
Really beautiful. Few things makeme happier than fresh cut flowers in my house -- especially free ones! ;)
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
punditmom - Thank you! I totally agree about fresh flowers!

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