Soup To Nuts

One of my goals this week is to bring my lunch to work everyday. I already bring it most days, but I'm trying to be extra good this week. Do you think Santa will notice and put me on his list?

I just baked some salmon, but wanted something different to go with it. Last month I was reading Chocolate & Zucchini, one of my favorite food blogs, and saw a recipe for Soupe de Haricots Verts aux Amandes. I love soup, green beans, and almonds and the picture looked positively divine. I printed it and planned to make it in a few weeks time. Well, that time was tonight.

When I make soup, I usually don't use a recipe and just throw together whatever I have in the house. But I'm a big fan of Clotilde, so I decided to make an exception. I used her recipe more as a guide, rather than a rigid set of rules, so there were some changes.

I didn't measure all of the ingredients. I added some butter, garlic powder, walnuts, and a chicken bullion cube. I also added some celery. I once watched a cooking show, where they dicsussed "the holy trinity" of cooking, which is celery, onions, and garlic. I've noticed that when I make soup and don't use celery, the taste just isn't quite right. And who am I to break up the holy trinity just days before Christmas?

I didn't have quite enough almonds, so I added a quarter cup of walnuts. Whenever I cook vegetables, I reserve the liquid and freeze it for future vegetable stock. I also save drippings from chicken and fish for stock. I had 2 cups of assorted stocks, but I needed a bit more, so I added 2 cups of water and a chicken bullion cube. And just to save time, I didn't toast the powdered nuts. Other than these things, I pretty much followed the recipe. And yes, I know. That was quite a few changes!

This was my first time making soup where it's blended after cooking. I always wondered how creamy soups were made. Now I know! The texture of this soup is super creamy and the flavor is mild, but still really good. I may add a bit more seasoning the next time, but this recipe is a keeper. Thanks Clotilde!


karrie saidā€¦
That sounds great. Did you powder your own nuts? (heh!)

Green beans are my husband's favorite, so I'm going to make this the next time I feel like doing something nice. I'll probably track down almond powder so I do not end up with butter.
FH saidā€¦
Sounds so good! I have blended the our soup before!:D:D
Looks delicious,can't go wrong with nutty flavor in anything!Enjoy!
jac saidā€¦
I noticed, bring me more of the new dish.

wheresmymind saidā€¦
I've never had Clotilde before
Nidhi saidā€¦
Looks Delicious....I am here for the first time and I must say that your blog is cool.

Happy Holidays.

Cheers, Nidhi.
Lotus Reads saidā€¦
Wow, Anali, this soup looks and sounds delicious and what's more, with carrots, green beans and walnuts, it's incredibly healthy! Mmmm, think I'll try making it one of these cold winter nights!
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
karrie - I did grind my own powder! It was very easy with my mini-chopper. It only took about 15 seconds. I'm sure you and your husband will enjoy the soup!

asha - LOL! You must have made blended soup a bunch of times with your culinary repertoire!

jac - Right away Santa!

wheresmymind - LOL! : ) I'm sure Steph appreciates that!

nidhi - Welcome! Thank you for the kind words! Happy Holidays to you too!

lotus reads - I do feel good about getting so many veggies today! Let me know how you like it!
starry saidā€¦
Anali you are so creative .my dish would have been a disaster if I changed the ingredients.would like some of that hot soup.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
starry nights - Thank you! I wish I could upload some for you!

I just visited your blog and tried to leave a comment, but it wouldn't take. I'll have to try again.
Keshi saidā€¦
I make soups all the time Anali...I think u did a great job :)

Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
keshi - Thank you! I just tried to leave a comment on your blog, but I don't think it worked or else I left a bunch of comments. Sorry if I did.

Blogger is really messed up. What is the deal with the comment problem??
karmic saidā€¦
Sounds good, looks good and is entirely responsible for making me hungry again!
karmic saidā€¦
Also added you to my newsreader so I won't miss your posts.
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
sanjay - LOL! : ) I hope you had something good to eat. And thanks!
PunditMom saidā€¦
I also like Chocolate and Zucchini! Who knew you could make a yummy soup from green beans!
Jeseem saidā€¦
santa will definitely notice u. he needs a late night dinner, between his long schedule :P
So So Simple saidā€¦
Hi Anali

I think you have made this soup your needs a new name now.
Sounds all very delicious.
Of course we are now into summer food here but I will keep this in mind for colder nights.

Hope it is not too stressful for you leading up to Christmas.
By the way always find more fun places to have a good timeā€¦keep away from Elephants and Castles...Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New 2007.

Dezel Quillen saidā€¦
I see you have been making magic in the kitchen again I see. Iā€™m also packing my lunch after splurging on that ship for 5 days. This recipe looks and sounds really good. Keep this up and you will slowly have to piece a book together : ) Iā€™ll buy a copy!

Happy Sipping!

Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
punditmom - I know! I would have never thought of it in a million years.

jeseem - I hope he's a fan of green beans! : )

so simple - I guess I did sort of make it my own. I like the original name though. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you too!

dezel - You're back! Did you enjoy the wine on the cruise? A book deal would be the ultimate. That would be nice for the new year! : )
Margie saidā€¦
Yummy soup Anali!
You are a good cook!
I think I'll have to try it!

Happy Holidays!
And best wishes for a wonderful new year full of much joy!

Sai saidā€¦
Looks delicious! THanks for sharing the recipe
Lisa Johnson saidā€¦
samuru999 - With all the snow you are having out in Colorado, it's definitely time for soup! And Happy Holidays to you too Margie!

sai - Thanks! And you are quite welcome!

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