Subway Stories - Green Line No. 2

Good morning everyone. I’m enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to some great music on my Launchcast radio station. Check it out if you haven’t listened yet. The weather is warm and Boston is in full bloom. Unfortunately, besides the flowers blooming, measles have been popping up around town too.
Now seven people from a company in the Hancock Tower have been diagnosed with the measles. Being on the subway every day, and working very close to the Tower, I have to wonder if any of them were on the T. Copley station on the Green Line is right near the Tower. Chances are at least one of them took the T. I guess people need to check and see if they have been vaccinated. I just checked my records and I’m up to date. Whew!
Tanks for the comment on my blog. You need to read the next one. It wasn't a sad meeting. It became a wonderful memory.
Are you in Boston?
I will be there in August.
Thanks for the comment on they are always welcome.
Maybe you should read the latest post, things are heating up.
Actually, this is the start of a three year long story, so plenty more to tell.
Would you like to exchange links. I like your work too. Maybe we can help each other to increase traffic.